Once your subscription has been cancelled, you will have limited access to the Minnesota Star Tribune’s content.
When Can I Cancel my Subscription?
- You can cancel your print or digital Minnesota Star Tribune subscription at any time.
- For more information about our digital cancellation policy, see our Terms of Sale.
How to Cancel - Print Subscribers:
Submit an Online Cancellation Request Here.
- Your subscription will be stopped within 7 days of your request.
- We will contact you via email or phone if we have any questions or are unable to process your request using the information provided.
If You'd Like to Speak With a Customer Service Representative:
Call us at 612-673-4343 or 1-800-775-4344 during the following times:
- Monday – Friday: 6:00 AM – 5:00PM
- Saturday: 7:30AM – 3:00PM
- Sunday: 8:00AM – 3:00PM
Only Looking for a Temporary Stop?
- If you would like to request a temporary stop on your account, please enter your details here.
Just Looking for an Extended Delivery Hold?
- Please contact the customer care team at 612-673-4343.
When Will I Get My Last Bill?
- For all subscription types, we will cancel your subscription as of the date we receive your cancellation request by phone, or within 7 days of our receipt of your cancel request online.
- We will refund the unused portion (if any) of the amount of your prepaid subscription that corresponds to what you have cancelled unless you are on a special rate tied to a promotion with a large incentive at time of purchase. It may take up to 10 days for your refund to process.
- If you have a balance owing for service already provided, you will remain liable for the balance until it is paid.
Have Digital Access With Your Print Subscription?
- Your subscriber access to our digital content will be revoked once your cancellation has been processed.
- You will still be able to view content on the Minnesota Star Tribune website and app in a limited capacity, just like any other visitor.
When Will I Receive My Last Paper Delivery?
- Your last day of delivery will be within 2 days of the processing of your request, depending on your delivery schedule.
How to Cancel - Digital-Only Subscribers:
- Go to your Member Center page.
- Open the "Subscriptions" tab.
- You should be able to cancel your subscription under the "Manage" drop-down menu.
NOTE: If you purchased your digital subscription through the Apple or Google App Store, you will need to request a cancellation through that service.
Please refer to their app store’s terms and conditions for more details.