What features are included in the eEdition?
- Text-to-speech: Have an article read aloud to you, using the text-to-speech feature. You can activate this by clicking on a story, and then clicking on the icon that looks like a face speaking. When you hover over that icon it says "Read Aloud Mode".
- Page size: You can adjust the size of the page on the screen by clicking on the + or – buttons, or by clicking on the button with two arrows, which will adjust the page fit on the screen.
- Text size: You can change the size of the text on the story page.
- Printing articles, including the crossword: From the story/article view, users can click on the print icon to print the page of interest.
How do I navigate to a specific section of the paper (i.e. Variety, Sports or Comics)?
Click on the menu icons with three lines and three dots. (If you hover over it, it says "Section List".) That will bring up the sections of the paper you can jump to.
How do I view the edition archive?
To view a different edition of the paper from the 30-day archive, click on the menu icon with the three lines. (If you hover over it, it says "Menu". Then click on "Archive" to see the available past editions.)
If you are having trouble with any of the following on a desktop device, please use the steps below.
- I cannot see the bottom of the front page or any page.
- I can see the top of an article when I click on an article, but not any further.
- I cannot scroll.
If you are on the page view:
- Use the scroll wheel on your mouse to scroll up and down.
- Note: Be sure that the mouse arrow is on the page itself, and not in the gray area. If the mouse is in the gray area, the page may not scroll.
- Use the up and down arrow keys on your keyboard to move the page.
- Use the top and bottom arrows (they look like ^ and the same arrow pointing down at the bottom) that are located in the middle of the page. Click on those to scroll the page up and down.
- Use your mouse to click on the page, and then move your mouse to drag the page in the direction you would like to go. If you do this on the right side of the page, where the scroll bar typically would be, the scroll bar will appear while the mouse button is held down.
If you have clicked into an article and are in the article view:
- Use the scroll wheel on your mouse to scroll up and down.
- Note: Be sure you have the mouse arrow on the page itself, and not in the gray area. If the mouse is in the gray area, the page may not scroll.
- Note: You may need to click within the article itself, and then scroll using the scroll wheel.
- Use the up and down arrow keys on your keyboard to move the article.
- Use your mouse to click on the page, and then move your mouse to drag the page in the direction you would like to go. If you do this on the right side of the page, where the scroll bar typically would be, the scroll bar will appear while the mouse button is held down.