Having issues logging in to your account? Contact Us for Login Help.
How to log in
Desktop: When you go to StarTribune.com, look in the upper right hand side of the screen to "log in.” If you registered using your email address, put in your email and password. If you registered using your Facebook account, click continue with Facebook. Once the page refreshes back to the home page, in the place of "log in" you should see your username or email displayed, verifying that you are logged in.
Mobile: When you go to StarTribune.com, look below the header in the right hand side of the screen to "log in.” If you registered using your email address, put in your email and password. If you registered using your Facebook account, click continue with Facebook. Once the page refreshes back to the home page, in the place of "log in" you should see "your account", verifying that you are logged in.
Please be sure you are logged in whenever you are reading Minnesota Star Tribune content to avoid being prompted to log in while reading an article.
Note: If you are already registered using an email address, you cannot also sign in with Facebook.
How to change your password
To change your password, go to StarTribune.com/membercenter. If you forgot your password, go to StarTribune.com/forgotpassword.
Adding multiple login accounts
Every digital subscription can have up to five logins linked to it. First, create a login at StarTribune.com/membercenter. To link it to your subscription, go to StarTribune.com/activate. Follow the on-screen instructions and you will successfully link a new login to a subscription. If you need further assistance, Submit a Request for Login Help here.
How to create a new login account
- Go to StarTribune.com
- Click on "Log in" on the top right of the screen
- Click on, "Create Login"
- Complete the prompts, accept the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, then click "Next."
- On the next screen select, "Yes, I'm a subscriber."
- Enter the email address and last name associated with the subscription, then click, "Submit."