After 10/1/24, your subscription will be required to be on auto-renew and invoicing will not be available. Here's what's changing, and how to continue your subscription beyond your current term.
What’s changing:
- Invoicing, either via a paper bill or an eBill, will no longer be available for digital subscriptions.
- All digital subscriptions must be on an auto-renew payment method using a credit card, bank draft or PayPal.
- If you don’t set up an auto-renew payment method, your subscription will be stopped at the end of the current term and you will lose your unlimited digital access
What’s not changing:
- As it has been, your subscription will continue to be a continuous service subscription.
- You can easily cancel this plan at any time, and service will end at the end of your current term.
If you need to set up Auto-Renew for the first time, click here.
If you need to update your current Auto-Renewal information, click here.
How to Set Up Auto-Renew:
This process is for setting up Auto-Renewal on your subscription for the first time. If you only need to update your current Auto-Renewal information, click here.
Go to and sign in if prompted.
You should see a screen that looks like this:
Select "Payments" on the top menu, and choose "Make a Payment."
On that page, choose your payment method, check the "Sign me up for Automatic Renewal" box, and hit "Continue."
At the next page, enter all required information, and hit "OK" when finished.
How to Update Auto-Renewal Information:
This process is only for updating your subscription's existing Auto-Renewal information. If you need to set up Auto-Renew for the first time, please click here.
Go to and sign in if prompted.
You should see a screen that looks like this:
On the top menu bar, select "Payments," and then "Automatic Renewal Info."
At the next page, you should see your current auto-renewal information. To continue to editing, hit "Continue."
On this page, select your desired updated payment method, and hit "Continue."
At the next page, enter all required information, and hit "OK" when finished.